
Information gathered from users and the client to better improve the site. Identifying strengths, areas for improvement, and ease of navigation.

Employee Interview

addy smith

Addy Smith

Addy Smith is the Event and Operations Director at the Anderson County Arts Center. She allowed me to interview her about the Arts Center’s current website. We went over the purpose and goals of the website, how they relate to the Arts Center, and her opinions on how to improve the site.

1. What is the main goal of the website?

Addy first mentioned education and awareness surrounding the arts as a priority. She mentioned that a goal of the website is to serve as an information hub. The website covers what classes are offered, when to visit, and current exhibits at the Arts Center.

2. What would you change about the site? (Is there anything you would take out of the site? Anything you would include?)

Addy talked about wanting someone strictly devoted to the website. Someone to add information, update event details, and freshen up the site. As part of giving the website a new look, Addy wants to include a new homepage. As for the rest of the site, her goal is to consolidate information and get rid of any outdated or redundant information.

3. What is the main reason someone would visit your site? What is the most frequent reason for someone visiting the site?

Class information and class registration are the most frequent use of the website.

4. What is someone looking for when they visit your site? / What demographic are you reaching with your site?

The main user demographic are artists and parents. Users are typically seeking information regarding classes and the summer art camp program.

5. What groups are you trying to reach the most with this website? How does the website serve those groups or how could it better serve them?

Addy mentioned that local artists are an important group to reach. To best serve artists: the site includes how to submit a proposal, juried show information, and gallery information. For parents, class and class registration information is available. To better serve the community, a goal of the site is to do better at volunteering and working opportunities. Specifically for working artists, these opportunities would come in the form of murals and graffiti.

6. What do you want to communicate to someone visiting your website?

"That this place is here and free to visit." The Anderson Arts Center is a beautiful historic building with galleries full of artwork, and everyone in the upstate is encouraged to visit.

7. What would you say is the most important thing you want to communicate?

To push classes, rental space options, and the gallery space, which is free to the public during business hours. The mission of the Anderson Arts Center is to foster an appreciation of the arts. The goal is to pull in different groups of people in the upstate, especially Anderson County.

User Interviews

Kathleen and Brian Noblitt are parents of three energetic little boys. They fit one of the main demographics: parents that would sign their children up for art classes at the Arts Center. I chose them to interview because their boys would love the art classes the Arts Center has to offer, and Brian and Kathleen can test the effectiveness of their website.

Kathleen Noblitt

1. What would you say is the focus of the website? (What would you say is the website's priority/ what would you use the site for)

Art exhibits/ opportunities for involvement

2. (Read the mission statement on the About page.) Do you think the website matches what the Arts Center is trying to accomplish?


3. Pretend you are signing up your child for a class. Is this easy to do? Is it confusing?

Yes- It seemed straightforward.

4. Is the website easy to navigate?


5. Was any part of the site confusing? Is there anything about the site that you wish wasn't there?

No- it seemed well planned and intuitive

6. Is there anything you would add to the site?

It was great- enough info without being overwhelming.

Brian Noblitt

1. What would you say is the focus of the website? (What would you say is the website's priority/ what would you use the site for)

Advertising of what the center has to offer.

2. (Read the mission statement on the About page.) Do you think the website matches what the Arts Center is trying to accomplish?

Yes. It is offering things to the community.

3. Pretend you are signing up your child for a class. Is this easy to do? Is it confusing?

It was easy using the other website to register.

4. Is the website easy to navigate?


5. Was any part of the site confusing? Is there anything about the site that you wish wasn't there?


6. Is there anything you would add to the site?

I think the site covers the information required.


How does this information affect the website?

My goal for the Arts Center website is to refresh, reorganize, and add information for local artists. The current website does a good job of displaying necessary information, but it needs improvement in organization and aesthetic. The groups I will concentrate on reaching are parents and local artists. This means there will be a hierarchical emphasis on classes and registration as well as community involvement. To address community involvement, a new page will be created for local artists and volunteers that will give information about how to get involved with the Arts Center.